Routes migratoires Migration roads

Traversée clandestine

réalisé par Grégoire Deniau et Guillaume Martin en 2005

Que se passe-t-il en Méditerranée ? What’s going on in the Mediterranean Sea ? – Actualités News

Depuis début 2020, les tentatives de passage en Europe par l’Atlantique et les Îles Canaries ont augmentées :

les îles Canaries, nouvelle impasse pour les migrants ?

reportage Maeva Poulet pour France 24

Route Atlantique (Canaries,…) Atlantic Road (Canary Island,…) – Actualités News

Europe is not paradise

If you are thinking about leaving your home country to come to Europe, you have to know something : Europe is not paradise.

Not only can the way here be extremely difficult and dangerous, but you should not expect everything to be easy here. It will not be !

Europe is … Europe.

A lot of people here have comfortable living conditions and think we can and we should show solidarity to people who decide to leave home because the situation there is unbearable.
Most of the free services listed on this Web site are provided by volonters who give their time and money to make these first necessities available. After a long a difficult journey, we hope you can find some support.


Europe is not a garden of Eden where you would just reach out to get what you want !

You will have to go through long and stressful administrative processes, sometime face hateful reactions and eventually … work and build your life, just like anywhere else !

Learning English, or the language of the country where you want to settle as soon as you can will help you a lot.

Libya, the mediterranean see and the Sahara desert are extremely dangerous places to go across.

Also, trying to come to Europe and then changing ou mind is no shame !

Don’t you thing your love ones prefer to have you alive than the memory of a socalled hero ?

If you have to go back, telling your story as it really was will help other make their decision knowingly. Dreams are a powerful driving force, but delusion can be deadly. Again. Europe is not paradise. Don’t let those who dream about it stay in this delusion.


4 sept 2017 MAJ 12 oct 2019

Europe – relations internationales au sujet des migrations

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chargement en cours

Que se passe-t-il en Méditerranée ?
What’s going on in the Mediterranean Sea ?

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chargement en cours

Érythrée Eritrea
– Ertra ኤርትራ (tigrinya) – Iritrīyā إرتريا (arabe)

Erythrée - Situation Erythrée Erythrée - drapeau

Capitale : Asmara ኣስመራ (tigrigna) أسمرة (arabe)

Langues officielles : Tigrigna ትግርኛ, Arabe العربية, Anglais English
autres langues communes : Amharique አማርኛ Prononciation du titre dans sa version originale

Superficie : 120 000 km2
Population : 6 M° d’Érythréen(ne)

Classement RSF pour la liberté de la presse : 179e sur 180 en 2017

Pour aller plus loin :

France : situations réglementaires, politiques et sociales

Mineur non accompagné


Sud-Est – frontière franco-italienne

Nord – Pas de Calais – frontière franco-britannique

Loi « immigration maîtrisée »

Loi application du régime d’asile européen (PPL)

Actualités News

France – actualités par région

Accords internationaux régissant la situation des migrants en France

Demande d’asile Asylum Request